Thursday, July 21, 2011

Dear Ivy Fannin (A True Proverbs 31 Woman)

Congrats on two years since you graduated from mercy Ministries! I am EXTREMELY proud of you! I love how you cleverly killed Tracy's battery just so I could see you guys tonight! It has been a blessing to see you grow, and to be inspired to grow myself by your sweet and caring actions! I will never forget every second spent together... All our lovely dates at the O.G, and all the fat jokes made towards me by our waiter because I ate every single thing on my plate plus some. I'll never ever forget Howie the Bread Stick and how we laughed like huge goof balls and the same waiter judged us for making him (btw I think he was hitting on you, butttt I digress). I won't forget chilling with you when you taught us young scared girls about purity. I'll never forget the courage you had when you stood before the congregation and shared your testimony right after you got out of Mercy Ministries.

But most of all I wont forget your friendship. The perfect influence you, Trina, and Laura have been to me could never ever be expressed in words. I look forward to many more awesome memories with you! I love you so much.... because you, m'lady, are the BOMB DIGGITY :)

"A Woman of Noble character who can find she is worth far more than Rubies"

--Proverbs 31:10

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